Treasure – Change the World Tour: How your World Leadership is a responsibility

After 1 year traveling the world I once again offer my services and advice. I can’t wait to start working with you all again around the world. My “Treasure – Change the World Tour” showed to be not only a journey of contribution – I have also personally gained unbelievable experiences that I will with time share on my blog, inContinue reading “Treasure – Change the World Tour: How your World Leadership is a responsibility

 The upside of awareness of energies – positive change in your life, your organization and in the world 

Our ‘human energy’*, the energy we transmit through our thoughts, choices and actions is the only permanent energy resource we have. It is also the only energy source that on which we as individuals have 100% influence.   The impact of our energies on a daily basis is immense and nothing we do, say orContinue reading ” The upside of awareness of energies – positive change in your life, your organization and in the world “